Margie Washichek: The Untold Story of Jimmy Buffett’s First Wife

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Before the world knew him as the laid-back, island-inspired troubadour behind hits like “Margaritaville” and “Cheeseburger in Paradise,” Jimmy Buffett was just a young musician with big dreams and a guitar slung over his shoulder.

But behind this man who would go on to create a tropical empire was a woman who stood by him in those early, uncertain days. Margie Washichek, Jimmy Buffett’s first wife, played a pivotal yet often overlooked role in his journey to stardom. In this article, we’ll uncover the story of the woman who was there before the fame, whose unwavering support helped set the stage for the legend Jimmy Buffett would become.

Early Life and Education: Roots in the Gulf Coast

Margie Washichek was born on December 25, 1946, in the small, coastal town of Pascagoula, Mississippi. Nestled along the Gulf of Mexico, Pascagoula was a place where the sound of waves crashing against the shore was a constant backdrop to daily life. For Margie, the Gulf Coast wasn’t just home; it was an integral part of who she was. Growing up in this sun-drenched, salt-tinged environment, Margie developed a deep love for the outdoors. The simplicity of coastal living—the long, lazy summers, the smell of the sea, the gentle breezes—shaped her in ways that would resonate throughout her life.

Margie’s childhood was characterized by the strong sense of community that is so often found in small towns. Everyone knew everyone else, and neighbors were like extended family. It was a nurturing environment, one that fostered close-knit relationships and a strong work ethic. Margie’s parents were hardworking, middle-class folks who instilled in her the values of determination, kindness, and resilience. These qualities would serve her well in the years to come, especially when life threw its inevitable curveballs.

Education was important in the Washichek household, and Margie was a diligent student. She attended the local schools, where she excelled academically. Her teachers recognized her as a bright, thoughtful young girl with a natural curiosity and a love for learning. Margie was particularly drawn to literature and the arts, finding solace and inspiration in the written word. Books became her window to the world beyond Pascagoula, sparking dreams of adventures far beyond the horizon.

Margie’s early life was steeped in the traditions and culture of the Deep South. The food, the music, the stories—it all painted a vivid picture of a region rich in history and character. These cultural influences, combined with the natural beauty of the Gulf Coast, left an indelible mark on Margie. She carried this sense of place with her wherever she went, even as her life took her far from the sandy shores of Mississippi.

As she grew older, Margie’s ambition to see more of the world led her to pursue higher education. She knew that education was the key to unlocking new opportunities and expanding her horizons. With her parents’ encouragement, Margie applied to college, eager to embark on the next chapter of her life. Little did she know that this decision would set her on a path that would change her life forever.

The College Years: Where Jimmy Met Margie

In the late 1960s, Margie Washichek left her hometown of Pascagoula and enrolled at Spring Hill College in Mobile, Alabama. A private Jesuit college, Spring Hill was known for its rigorous academic programs and its commitment to nurturing the whole person—mind, body, and spirit. For Margie, it was the perfect place to continue her education and explore her passions.

Spring Hill College, with its sprawling campus, stately oak trees, and historic buildings, was a world away from the quiet, coastal life Margie had known. But she quickly adapted to her new surroundings, throwing herself into her studies with the same dedication and enthusiasm that had defined her earlier years. Margie chose to major in English, a natural fit given her love of literature and her talent for writing. She spent countless hours in the library, poring over classic works of fiction, poetry, and essays, all the while honing her own writing skills.

It was during her time at Spring Hill that Margie met a fellow student named Jimmy Buffett. Jimmy was a journalism major, but his true passion was music. He was rarely seen without his guitar, often strumming tunes between classes or performing at local venues. Tall, with a laid-back demeanor and an easy smile, Jimmy quickly caught Margie’s eye. There was an undeniable chemistry between them, a shared love of the arts and a mutual appreciation for the simple pleasures in life.

Their relationship blossomed as they spent more time together. Whether it was studying side by side in the college courtyard, attending local concerts, or simply taking long walks through the picturesque campus, Margie and Jimmy became inseparable. Margie was drawn to Jimmy’s creative spirit, his sense of humor, and his unwavering optimism. He, in turn, admired her intelligence, her kindness, and her ability to see the beauty in everyday moments.

As their bond deepened, Margie became one of Jimmy’s biggest supporters. She believed in his musical talent, even when others dismissed it as a mere hobby. She encouraged him to pursue his dreams, reminding him that true success often requires taking risks and staying true to oneself. In many ways, Margie became Jimmy’s muse, inspiring some of his early songwriting and helping him navigate the ups and downs of college life.

Their time at Spring Hill College was a formative period for both Margie and Jimmy. It was here that they began to lay the foundation for their future together, even as the uncertainties of life after college loomed large. Margie, ever the realist, knew that the road ahead would not be easy, but she was determined to face it head-on, hand in hand with Jimmy.

The Buffett Years: From “I Do” to “Margaritaville”

The Buffett Years: From “I Do” to “Margaritaville”

In the summer of 1969, shortly after their graduation, Margie and Jimmy decided to take the plunge and get married. It was a small, intimate ceremony, attended by close friends and family. They exchanged vows on a warm, sunny day, with the Gulf Coast breeze gently rustling through the trees. Margie wore a simple, elegant dress, her face radiating happiness as she looked into Jimmy’s eyes. For both of them, it was the start of a new adventure—one that would take them far from the familiar shores of the Gulf Coast.

The newlyweds moved to Nashville, Tennessee, a city known for its vibrant music scene and its promise of fame and fortune for those who dared to chase their dreams. But life in Nashville was far from glamorous. Margie and Jimmy lived in a modest apartment, scraping by on a shoestring budget. Margie took a job as a secretary to help make ends meet, while Jimmy played gigs at local bars and clubs, hoping to catch his big break.

The early years of their marriage were marked by struggle and sacrifice. There were days when they could barely afford groceries, let alone the luxuries of life. But through it all, Margie remained steadfast in her support of Jimmy. She believed in his talent and his vision, even when the road seemed impossibly long and fraught with challenges. Margie was the one who kept the household running, who made sure the bills were paid and the fridge was stocked, all while encouraging Jimmy to keep pursuing his dreams.

Their life together was a study in contrasts. On the one hand, there were moments of joy and creativity, as Jimmy wrote songs and played to small but appreciative audiences. On the other hand, there were moments of doubt and frustration, as rejection letters piled up and the reality of the music business set in. But Margie and Jimmy shared a deep bond, forged by their shared experiences and their unwavering belief in each other.

One of the defining moments of their early years came during a particularly tough Thanksgiving. With little money to spare, Margie and Jimmy found themselves heating hot dogs over a hotel bathroom sink. It was a far cry from the traditional holiday feast, but they made the best of it, laughing at the absurdity of their situation and finding comfort in each other’s company. It was moments like these that strengthened their relationship, reminding them that love and determination could see them through even the hardest of times.

As Jimmy’s career began to gain traction, with songs like “Come Monday” and “A Pirate Looks at Forty” starting to make waves, Margie’s role as his partner and confidante became even more crucial. She was his sounding board, his biggest fan, and his source of strength. But as Jimmy’s star began to rise, the demands of his career began to take a toll on their marriage.

The Lean Years: Hot Dogs and Big Dreams

The years between 1970 and 1972 were a period of intense struggle and growth for Margie and Jimmy. While Jimmy’s music career was slowly beginning to take off, it was still a far cry from the success that would come later. During this time, the couple faced numerous hardships, from financial difficulties to the strains of living in a new city far from their families.

Jimmy’s gigs were often at small, smoky bars, where the pay was minimal, and the crowds were sparse. Many nights, he played to half-empty rooms, with only a handful of people listening to his songs. It was a humbling experience for Jimmy, but Margie was always there, sitting in the front row, cheering him on. She understood that these lean years were a necessary part of the journey, that the struggles they faced would make the eventual success all the more meaningful.

Margie’s job as a secretary was the couple’s main source of income during this time. She worked long hours, often taking on extra tasks to bring in a little more money. Despite the exhaustion and the stress, Margie never complained. She knew that every dollar she earned was helping to keep their dream alive. And when she came home in the evenings, she would listen to Jimmy play his latest compositions, offering feedback and encouragement.

The couple’s financial situation was precarious at best. There were times when they had to choose between paying the rent and buying groceries. But through it all, Margie’s optimism never wavered. She believed that better days were ahead, that Jimmy’s talent would eventually be recognized, and that they would look back on these tough times with a sense of pride in how far they had come.

The hot dogs over the bathroom sink incident became a symbol of their resilience. It was a moment that could have easily led to despair, but instead, it became a memory they both cherished. It was a reminder that no matter how difficult things got, they still had each other, and that was enough to keep them going.

During these years, Margie and Jimmy also faced the challenges of balancing their personal lives with Jimmy’s burgeoning career. The long hours spent on the road, the late-night gigs, and the constant pressure to succeed began to take a toll on their relationship. They had less time to spend together, and the strain of trying to make ends meet added to the stress.

But Margie remained Jimmy’s anchor. She was the one who reminded him of why he had started making music in the first place, of the passion and joy that had driven him to pick up a guitar all those years ago. She encouraged him to stay true to his vision, even when the industry tried to push him in different directions.

Despite the difficulties, there were also moments of hope and triumph. Jimmy’s persistence began to pay off, with his music starting to gain attention beyond the local scene. The couple celebrated these small victories, knowing that they were steps toward something bigger. And through it all, Margie’s unwavering support never faltered.

Life After Jimmy: Charting Her Own Course

In 1972, after three years of marriage, Margie and Jimmy made the difficult decision to part ways. It was a bittersweet moment for both of them. They had shared so much together—dreams, struggles, and triumphs—but their paths were beginning to diverge. Jimmy’s career was taking off, and the demands of fame were pulling him in one direction, while Margie found herself yearning for a quieter, more private life.

The decision to divorce was not an easy one, but it was made with mutual respect and understanding. Margie knew that Jimmy’s career was on the verge of something big, and she didn’t want to hold him back. At the same time, she recognized that she needed to find her own path, to create a life that was fulfilling and meaningful on her own terms.

After the divorce, Margie returned to her roots in the Gulf Coast, seeking solace in the familiar sights and sounds of the place she had always called home. It was a time of reflection and healing, as she came to terms with the end of her marriage and the need to rebuild her life.

Margie threw herself into her work, leveraging the skills and experience she had gained over the years. She took on various professional roles, always aiming to make a positive impact in whatever she did. Whether it was in administration, education, or community service, Margie approached her work with the same dedication and passion that had defined her earlier years.

She also began to explore new interests and hobbies, finding joy in the simple pleasures of life. Gardening, reading, and spending time with friends became her sources of happiness. Margie was never one to seek the spotlight, and she was content to live a life away from the public eye.

Despite the challenges she had faced, Margie remained optimistic and hopeful about the future. She had learned that life was full of unexpected twists and turns, but that each challenge was an opportunity for growth and self-discovery. She embraced this philosophy as she navigated her post-Buffett journey, always looking forward with a sense of purpose and determination.

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Margie’s Post-Buffett Journey

While Jimmy Buffett’s career soared to new heights, Margie chose to remain in the background, focusing on her own personal and professional development. She continued to work in various roles, each one contributing to her growth and self-sufficiency. Margie was proud of the life she had built for herself, even if it didn’t come with the fame and fortune that Jimmy had achieved.

Over the years, Margie maintained a low profile, preferring to keep her personal life private. She was never one to seek attention or dwell on the past, instead choosing to focus on the present and the future. Margie’s friends and family admired her strength and independence, recognizing that she had carved out a life that was true to who she was.

Financially, Margie was stable, having made wise decisions over the years that allowed her to live comfortably. Her net worth, estimated to be between $500,000 and $1.5 million as of 2024, was a testament to her hard work and prudent management. But for Margie, wealth was not about money; it was about the richness of experiences, relationships, and the sense of fulfillment that came from living a life true to oneself.

Margie’s story was one of quiet strength and resilience. She had faced many challenges, but she had always come out stronger on the other side. She had learned to navigate the ups and downs of life with grace and dignity, never losing sight of what was truly important.

Margie Today: Living Life on Her Own Terms

Now in her late 70s, Margie Washichek continues to live a life that is true to her values and beliefs. She remains rooted in the Gulf Coast, where she enjoys the simple pleasures of life—walking along the beach, tending to her garden, and spending time with loved ones.

Margie has always been a private person, and she has maintained that privacy throughout her life. She has a modest presence on social media, with a minimal Twitter account that she uses sparingly. Public appearances are rare, as Margie prefers to stay out of the spotlight and focus on the things that bring her joy.

Despite the passage of time, Margie remains vibrant and full of life. She may not have followed the same path as her ex-husband, but she has found her own way, one that is fulfilling and meaningful. Margie’s life is a testament to the idea that true success is not measured by fame or wealth, but by the quality of one’s relationships, the pursuit of one’s passions, and the ability to live authentically.

Margie’s friends and family describe her as a kind, compassionate, and wise woman, someone who has always been there for others and who has lived her life with integrity. She is content with the choices she has made and the life she has created, knowing that she has stayed true to herself.

Margie’s Legacy: More Than Just an Ex-Wife

Margie Washichek’s legacy is one that extends far beyond her role as Jimmy Buffett’s first wife. While she may not be a household name, her impact on those who know her and on Jimmy’s early career is undeniable.

Margie was there at the beginning, supporting Jimmy during the lean years and believing in his talent when others didn’t. Her unwavering support helped him stay focused on his dreams, even when the road was difficult. Without Margie’s influence, it’s possible that the world may never have known the Jimmy Buffett we know today.

But Margie’s legacy is not just tied to her relationship with Jimmy. She is a woman who has lived her life with purpose and integrity, who has faced challenges head-on and come out stronger on the other side. Her story is one of resilience, independence, and quiet strength.

Margie’s life reminds us that success comes in many forms, and that the most meaningful achievements are often the ones that are not celebrated in the public eye. She has lived a life true to herself, and in doing so, she has left a lasting impact on those around her.

As Margie continues to live life on her own terms, she serves as an inspiration to others. Her story is a reminder that we all have the power to shape our own destinies, to pursue our dreams, and to live authentically. In the end, Margie’s legacy is one of strength, resilience, and the quiet confidence that comes from knowing who you are and what you stand for.


Margie Washichek’s journey from a small coastal town to the quiet strength she embodies today is a testament to resilience, independence, and the power of living life on one’s own terms. While the world may remember her as Jimmy Buffett’s first wife, her true legacy lies in the choices she made and the life she carved out for herself after their paths diverged. Margie’s story is not one of fame or fortune but of personal integrity, determination, and an unwavering commitment to authenticity. 

Her life reminds us that success is not defined by the spotlight but by the quiet moments of courage, the relationships we nurture, and the inner peace we find in being true to ourselves. As she continues to live her life with grace and dignity, Margie leaves behind a legacy that inspires others to embrace their own journeys, no matter where they may lead.

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